Life of Pie: check out our favourite pie recipes, plus BC’s best bakeries

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Picnic season is the perfect time to visit your local BC bakeries – and whether your picnic basket includes a pie encrusted with berries or savoury pastries crumbly with cheese and spices, baked goods are the perfect portable way to add flavour to your summer lunch.

So this month, we asked our community (that’s right: you!) to tell us about your favourite bakeries across BC – and did you ever deliver! From Creston in the Kootenay to Campbell River on Vancouver Island, enjoy your list of the best bakeries in BC.

And if you’re hoping for a slice of something even closer to home, it’s easy to bake your own. Never made pie before? Start with this friendly guide to making pie with family then check out our favourite savoury and sweet recipes below!

Reader’s Choice: Your Favourite  Bakeries Across BC

Whether you’re sweetening up a road trip, or making a local run pre-picnic, our crowd-sourced list from our Facebook community makes the perfect “pie chart” accompaniment to your summer sampling.

Vancouver and the Lower Mainland:


  • Golden Flour Bakery in Creston. Community member Myrna Johnson says: “The selection of pies is amazing – offered in various sizes is a great help. Open Monday to Saturday – wonderful aroma and baked goodies.”


Vancouver Island:

  • Just Like Mom’s Homemade Baking in Union Bay. Community member Christina Marchand says they are “delicious and a super unique experience!”
  • Gatehouse Bistro in Cumberland.
  • Hot Chocolates in Courtenay.
  • Alderlane at the Comox Valley Farmer’s Market.
  • Steiner Bakery in Campbell River. Community member Jimmer Young told us: “They are absolutely the best. I know as I was a city bus driver in the 80’s in Vancouver and we know bakeries… Cheers from the rock.” Fellow community member Andrea Klassen added “I agree! Wish I could get their donuts shipped to Vancouver.”
  • Daves’ Bakery in Willow Point, Campbell River. “THE best!” says community member Glenda Woodward, and Christina Rozema adds “Great service and terrific baking.”
  • Old Town Bakery in Ladysmith. Community member Kate Wilton says that the bakery is “renowned for its cinnamon buns. Some have berries, some have chocolate, all are delicious!”
  • Breadstuffs Bakery in Brentwood Bay. Community member Dawn Holland told us “They buy local berries, fruit and wheat for their products – and when I say local, I mean within a 15 km radius. They make killer pie.”

If we’ve missed your favourite bakery, please add it in the comments! And, if you’re hungry for more, join our Facebook community for a fresh mix of local favourites and summer recipes you’ll love.