BC ancho-Lime Beef Fajitas with White Cheddar Queso

BC Ancho-Lime Beef Fajitas With White Cheddar Queso


  • 4 cloves BC Garlic, minced
  • Juice of 2 Limes
  • 2 tbsp Ancho Chili Powder (or Chili Powder) 30 ml
  • 1 tbsp Oregano 15 ml
  • 1 tbsp Paprika 15 ml
  • 1 tbsp Cumin 15 ml
  • 1 tsp Ground Black Pepper 5 ml
  • ¼ cup Olive Oil 60 ml
  • 1 ½ lbs BC Flat Iron Steak (or Top Sirloin Cap) 680 g
  • ¼ cup BC Canola Oil 60 ml
  • Dash Salt Dash


  1. Combine first eight ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Add the BC Flat Iron Steak and toss to coat.
  3. Cover and marinate at least 45 minutes to overnight.
  4. Heat BC Canola Oil in a heavy-bottomed pan over medium high heat.
  5. Remove steaks from marinade, season steak with salt, and carefully add to the hot pan.
  6. Cook for approximately 4 minutes (you will want some blackening of the spices).
  7. Flip the steak and reduce the heat to medium.
  8. Cook another 4 minutes. This will give you about a medium rare/medium steak (cook longer if desired).
  9. Remove the steak from the pan and place on a cutting board to rest. Cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.

For the Pico De Gallo


  • 3 medium BC On-the-Vine Tomatoes, diced very small
  • ¼ cup BC White Onion, diced very small 60 ml
  • 1 Jalapeno Pepper, seeds and ribs removed, diced very small
  • ¼ cup Fresh BC Cilantro, rough chopped 60 ml
  • 1 tsp Salt 5 ml
  • 1 tsp Ground Black Pepper 5 ml


  1. Combine all ingredients in a non-reactive bowl (stainless steel, ceramic, glass, or metal cookware with enamel).
  2. Let stand as long as possible.

For the Vegetable Filling


  • 3 BC Bell Peppers, julienned
  • 1 BC White Onion, julienned
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil 30 ml
  • Dash Salt & Pepper


  1. In a large sauté pan, heat oil.
  2. Add vegetables and sauté until tender.
  3. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Reserve for assembly.

For the BC Queso


  • 3 tbsp BC Butter 45 ml
  • 2 Serrano Peppers, seeded, deveined, and diced small
  • 1 Jalapeno Pepper, seeded, deveined, and diced small
  • 2 cloves BC Garlic, minced
  • ½ tsp Cumin 3 ml
  • 3 tbsp All-Purpose Flour 45 ml
  • 2 cups BC Whole Milk 480 ml
  • 1 cup BC White Cheddar Cheese, grated 240 ml
  • Dash Salt & Pepper


  1. Over medium heat, add BC Butter in a sauce pot to melt.
  2. Add serrano peppers, jalapeno pepper, and BC Garlic. Sautee for 2 – 3 minutes. Do not brown.
  3. Add cumin and stir for 15 seconds.
  4. Add flour and stir to create a roux. Continue to cook for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Add BC Whole Milk and whisk to dissolve.
  6. While stirring frequently, bring sauce to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 2 – 3 minutes.
  7. Remove the pot from the heat and add the BC White Cheddar Cheese. Stir to melt.
  8. Season with salt and pepper. Reserve for assembly.



  • Cooked Flat Iron Steaks
  • Sauteed Vegetables
  • BC White Cheddar Queso Sauce
  • Pico De Gallo
  • 12 4” Corn or Flour Tortillas


  1. Wrap tortillas in aluminum foil and place in a 250 F oven for 8-10 minutes to warm.
  2. Remove from the oven but keep wrapped until ready to serve.
  3. Slice the steak very thin against the grain of the meat.
  4. Place desired amount of steak onto a tortilla.
  5. Top with sauteed vegetables.
  6. Add queso on top of the vegetables.
  7. Top with fresh pico de gallo and serve.

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